It’s Time to Work on Your Business’ Fitness: Power Your Potential with Sales Coaching!

January is when many of us start workin’ on our fitness (thank you, Fergie). While there’s no shortage of DIY programs, YouTube videos, and fitness apps, it’s tough to replace the tailored guidance and accountability of a personal trainer. It shouldn’t be any different for a business.

How are you keeping your business fit in 2024? 💪

Black dumbbells and an orange resistance band on a wooden floor

Just as a personal trainer prepares a plan and tailors workouts to maximize your unique physical potential, a skilled sales coach can help you “sculpt” a sales strategy that will move your business forward. (I had to include a bad fitness pun in there 😉).

You can’t go wrong when you work with someone who’s personally invested in your success. I often find that as determined and self-motivated as we are when we start a new sales process or invest in a new product, it’s easy to fall off track. Life happens. 

When you have someone to hold you accountable, this can mean the difference between surviving and thriving.  

Whenever you set a significant goal, whether it's related to fitness, business, or another aspect of your life, it’s very difficult to do it alone. Let’s say you have a personal goal to perform your first pushup. A good personal trainer or fitness coach will guide you through the process over time, adjust your form to prevent injury, and provide incremental positive reinforcement. Achieving sustainable change in your business demands a similar approach; a sales coach provides a non-biased perspective to help you see the path forward and motivates you to stay consistent

Let’s be real: humans are not always good at being consistent. But if you make a commitment to somebody else, nine times out of 10, you’re going to show up for them before you show up for yourself. And, if you’re a solopreneur like me, establishing external accountability is essential for taking your business to the next level. 

Making meaningful, lasting change requires a change in your behavior.

It’s about trying something new and not giving up when it gets difficult or works differently than you might be used to. This is the only way to pave a new sustainable path. I get it, this sh*t is hard! But with the right sales coach in your corner, you can ensure your business stays fit, active, and consistently growing toward your goals.  

Let’s upend the statistic that 20% of businesses fail within the first year, and 50% by year five. You can do it. I believe in you. 

A light box sign with the words "you got this" on a desk

OH! And one more thing - if you’d like more sales insights and tips for 2024, follow me on LinkedIn and sign up for my monthly newsletter, The Sales Mindset Blueprint. My latest edition includes top-line takeaways from a sales survey I launched for female-led businesses at the end of 2023. 📊


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